

Swap-bot is a fan of Twitter! You can follow Swap-bot on Twitter two ways:

  • Swapbot – The original Swap-bot Twitter account publishes every new, public swap as it is created.
  • SwapbotNews – The new Twitter account which only publishes news and announcements about Swap-bot.

To help spread the word about Swap-bot on Twitter we are giving away a Brother P-Touch handheld labeling system to one lucky winner. The P-Touch makes instant labels and is great for organizing or crafts, but I like to think of it as a manual Twitter device!


To enter this giveaway you must have a Twitter account (they are free and easy to set up) and a Swap-bot account in good standing with a valid mailing address. Next, make a Tweet about Swap-bot – you can promote a swap you are hosting, show off your profile page, or simply ReTweet the SwapbotNews Tweet about this giveaway. Then, come back here to the blog and comment with a link to your Tweet (click on the time stamp of the Tweet to get a direct link) and your Swap-bot username. Not too complicated, right?

The giveaway will be open for entry through Saturday, June 13th. The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Sunday, June 14th. If you have trouble commenting on the blog, you can send me an email at rachel [at] Good luck!