Ambassador Introduction: Rocktopus
The Ambassador program is going strong and I am excited to introduce each of the participants individually over the next few months. They are all enthusiastic, fun, active, positive members who are asked to help promote Swap-bot in their local communities.
Meet our next Ambassador, Rocktopus! Rocktopus lives near Houston, Texas, and has been swapping for four years. She loves watercolor, jewelry, and collecting lots of things, like nature items and coins.
Ambassador Region: Texas, USA
How Rocktopus found Swap-bot: ” I was searching for a penpal system after seeing an article on the lost art of letter-writing, I was blessed with a link to this site.”
Why she enjoys Swap-bot: “Meeting new friends from around the globe, connecting on a personal level with so many wonderful people, fitting a swap to a profile, learning a new craft (I bought my sewing machine because of this site!) and of course receiving mail that is not bills! ”
Her favorite type of swap: “It’s a close call between ATC’s and profile-based private swaps. I love to do any swap that is time-intensive, especially if it’s for a new craft. Private swaps are my favorite because you can tailor so specifically to your partner!”
Check out some of Rocktopus’ cool steampunk-style ATCs:
And two of her Harry Potter-themed swaps:
And her cute mail art:
Interesting facts about Rocktopus: “I Geocache as a hobby, think of it as a giant treasure hunt that spans continents! I collect lots of things, butterflies, coins, bones, stamps and ATC’s. I work as a Title I Aide for an elementary school. I used to be terrified of sewing machines, but the ‘Bot helped me conquer that fear! I have two sweet cats but would love twenty! I am engaged to be married March 2015 to the love of my life. I love to send out elaborately decorated swaps/gifts.”
Rocktopus’ Links:
- YouTube
- Visit Rocktopus’ Etsy shop to view some of her one-of-a-kind artwork: Certainly Cephalopod
I hope you are enjoying getting to know your fellow swappers with these Ambassador Introductions. If you are interested in ATC or private profile-based snail mail swaps, Rocktopus is definitely the member to contact.